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An extensive library of various photographs from decades past to present day, as well as select video clips.

A brief preview of Ling-Po ("Continuous-Step" or "Continuous-Stepping"), a traditional, basic Northern Shaolin kung-fu form and the first actual hand set taught in the Northern Shaolin/Praying Mantis Kung-Fu Association's curriculum.


Ling-Po can be traced back to the Northern Shaolin Monastery and is reputed to contain remnants of an ancient Northern-style dragon hand form originally belonging to the Cha Fist style, one of the ancient Five Branches Of Shaolin (or "mother styles") once practiced in the Northern Shaolin Monastery. In addition to the mystical dragon, this form also features Northern-style elements of the crane, snake and monkey.

A segment of the Tai Yu Gim ("Grand Ultimate Sword") form, a traditional Double-Edged Straight Sword form belonging to Wong style Tai Chi Chuan that was originally developed by the legendary General Li Jin Ling. The form was later appended to the Wong style by our Great-Grandmaster Ma Ching Fung, after he learned it from our Great-Great-Grandmaster Ku Yu Chueng.

A sample of the first form from the 18 Law Horn ("Shaolin Lohan") style, which is part of the Northern Shaolin/Praying Mantis Kung-Fu Association's curriculum.

A 2015 'encore' of the Seven-Star Praying Mantis 4-Hour Intensive Workshop, featuring the Su Ba Sun Chen ("18 Elders") kung-fu form. The link is a sampling of the form. The workshop will be a special extended 8-hour version of the original course (previously held back in November of 2014), presented in two 4-hour seminars on separate dates.


Part 1 will instruct the form, while Part 2 will engage participants in the practice of its combat applications. Part 2 will also make an in-depth study of the Seven-Star Praying Mantis 12-Word Verbal Formula. A time and date for this workshop will be announced soon.

A short preview of Wong style Tai Chi Chuan.


Tai Chi Chuan ("Grand Ultimate Fist") is an ancient Chinese martial art greatly influenced by Taoist concepts and emphasizes Chi cultivation and manipulation. Its soft circular movements are generally performed in a slow, relaxed, and flowing manner. Special breathing, meditative, or visualization techniques are often incorporated as well. As a therapeutic exercise, Tai Chi increases overall vitality - while enhancing the circulation, flexibility, balance, mind-body awareness and stress management abilities.


As a form of self-defense, it provides very practical and effective combat applications. Tai Chi relies more on defensive and neutralization techniques rather than attacks, while using an opponent's energy against him/herself. It tends to avoid instances of force-on-force applications whenever possible, preferring "re-directive" blocks and parries for defense. Tai Chi also specializes in Chin-Na techniques and numerous leverage-based maneuvers. Kicks are precise and almost always executed below the waist, while the footwork is rooted but continuously in motion.


Although fist/punching techniques are seen, most of the hand work is comprised of open-handed techniques. While some Tai Chi styles are more combat-oriented than others, all styles possess inherent self-defense techniques.

A short video about Tai Chi and its emphasis on

flow and transition.

Revisiting the Continuous Stepping of Ling-Po, a simple yet very essential kung-fu form.

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​© Northern Shaolin/Praying Mantis Kung-Fu Association & Michael Dawson.

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